Small Rolls
Small Rolls of sod are the “traditional” rolls that most people are familiar with. Small Sod Rolls are easy to handle, and do not require any special equipment to install.
Blue Valley Sod Company offers small rolls in 80 yard pallets. Trucks are loaded with approximately 18-22 pallets. Shipments are tarped to keep in the moisture during long hauling. Because thin cut rolls have been proven to restart faster our rolls are light weight and easily handled by the installation crews. Blue Valley Sod Company can mix small rolls on the same truck with large rolls, giving you large roll convenience for large areas and small roll efficiency around obstructed or dense areas.

Small Sod Rolls from Blue Valley Sod make laying it yourself easy and efficient. Because it does not require expensive machinery to install, Small Sod Rolls are the do-it-yourselfers product of choice.
Perfect for your average lawn
If you have a small to medium sized lawn, Small Sod Rolls are the perfect product for your project. Weighing around 30 pounds, Small Sod Rolls are easy to carry, and roll out smoothly.
The Cost-Effective Solution
Because of the smaller size and weight, you can pick up small rolls in your own truck or trailer and install them yourself, saving you money.
Winnebago: Small rolls come in 720 sq ft (80 yd) pallets. A pallet of sod weighs approximately 2000 lbs.

Big Rolls
Big rolls from Blue Valley Sod Company provide a fast and efficient installation. Since installation equipment does the lifting and placement of the sod, you save both time and labor. An experienced crew of four can install up to 50,000 square feet in a day. Big rolls have fewer seams and because you install them so quickly the sod sees water faster, therefore eliminating initial turf stress. Big rolls are 42" wide, staying in place better then small rolls due to their size, therefore the area is ready for traffic much faster.
Big rolls are useful in large unobstructed areas, small rolls lend themselves very well for the smaller detailed areas or areas of smaller dimensions.
Big rolls are laid using tractors with a lift capacity of approximately 3000 lbs. on the 3-point hitch system. A forklift handles the rolls with a lifting capacity of 3000 lbs. The rolls are merely driven out using the tractor while the laying crew tightly rakes in the seams. Skid steers are used such as the Case 1845C or the Bobcat 853 & 943, also the John Deere 6775 or 7775 are ideal laying tractors. Also available are track-driven machines especially designed for big rolls. The laying attachments are inexpensive and readily available from your local distributors.
Blue Valley Sod Company specializes in full truck load quantity shipping of our products. Blue Valley Sod Company maintains a complete trucking broker network system and is a member of DAT/IFS services to ensure on time deliveries. We ship our products to other growers and large installers throughout the Midwest. Blue Valley Sod Company through it's parent company; Erosion Control Plus, can pull trucks from it's own fleet for emergency deliveries. Upon request we can furnish "Turn Key" installations on large job requirements. Most of our long haul orders are loaded for early AM delivery.
Because our farms are geographically 60 miles apart, we assure you of a broader capability in "on-time shipping" due to inclement weather conditions at one facility or the other. Our mission is to ship the finest sod available in our market area with particular attention to our customers scheduling needs.

Blue Valley Sod Company produces 42" wide rolls for fast, efficient production on large job requirements. We also offer lightweight 24" rolls for smaller job requirements.